Episode 14
The Taint (2011)
A story about a poisoned water supply, insane misogynists, penis obsession, and way too much semen.
Listen in as me and guest, Chris, talk about the social commentary and startling amount of ejaculation in this fantastically over-the-top comedy-horror.
Co-directed by Drew Bolduc (Science Team, Assassinaut) and Dan Nelson (The Taint), and written by Bolduc, Ain't It Cool News called the film "one of the most inanely funny films [we've] seen," while Portland Mercury said "[they] can't recommend this movie, per se, but [they] also can't stop thinking about it." If those don't get you curious, then you'll definitely need to hear this episode. This film is fucking epic and brilliant. Fight me.
It tells the story of a small town whose water supply has been poisoned by the TAINT. It makes men go crazy for murder, and murder makes them orgasm like firehoses. Forced to navigate and survive in this ruthless and jizz-soaked world is Phil O'Ginny (played by filmmaker Drew Bolduc), a lazy student who cares more about getting laid and smoking cigarettes then class. He meets up with fierce Misandra (a tough-as-nails Colleen Walsh) and the two set out to learn just what happened to cause the violent mayhem around them.
The film is currently available on Vimeo, TromaNOW, and Blu-ray & DVD.